What is JavaScript-
JavaScript is a scripting language that allows developers to create interactive and dynamic web pages. It enables browsers to respond to user interactions and change the content layout of a web page. JavaScript is used to implement complex features on web pages, such as: Displaying timely content updates, Creating interactive maps, Animating 2D/3D graphics, and Scrolling video jukeboxes.
JavaScript can be used for both client-side and server-side development. If JavaScript is disabled within a browser, the content or functionality of a web page can be limited or unavailable.
JavaScript has become an integral part of web development and is used by millions of websites worldwide. While JavaScript can enhance the user experience and make web applications more interactive, it also introduces security risks if not properly secured.
As a developer or security engineer, it is important to understand these vulnerabilities and take the necessary precautions to protect your applications and users.
The goal of this article is to provide an overview of the top ten JavaScript vulnerabilities and offer actionable tips and best practices to avoid them. Whether you are a seasoned developer or just starting, this guide will help you better understand JavaScript security and how to protect your web applications from potential threats.
Top Ten JavaScript Vulnerabilities
1. Third-party Security Vulnerabilities
Third-party security vulnerabilities in JavaScript occur when a website or application uses third-party libraries or services that have security flaws. These vulnerabilities can be exploited by attackers to gain access to sensitive information or to perform other malicious actions on the user’s system.
As per a survey by Astra, 80% of surveyed organizations last year experienced at least one data breach caused by a third party.
2. Source Code Vulnerabilities
Source code vulnerabilities occur when there are flaws or errors in the code itself that can be exploited by attackers. These vulnerabilities can allow attackers to execute malicious code, steal sensitive information, or gain unauthorized access to systems.
Source code vulnerabilities can occur for a variety of reasons. Some common causes include:
- Programming errors
- Poor coding practices
- Lack of security knowledge
To exploit source code vulnerabilities, attackers typically need to have knowledge of the specific vulnerability and access to the vulnerable code or application. Once the vulnerability is identified and the attacker has access to the code or application, they can develop an attack that exploits the vulnerability to achieve their desired outcome.
3. Sensitive Data Leakage/Sensitive Cookie Exposure
Sensitive data leakage or sensitive cookie exposure is a type of vulnerability in JavaScript applications that can allow attackers to access sensitive data such as user credentials, session IDs, or other confidential information. This vulnerability can occur due to poor security practices such as storing sensitive data in plain text or failing to properly secure user sessions.
Attackers can exploit this vulnerability to access sensitive information. For example, an attacker may intercept network traffic to capture sensitive data that is transmitted over an insecure connection. Even if the data leaked doesn’t include highly sensitive information such as credentials, attackers can use some of the leaked information to plan their attack further.
4. Vulnerable and Outdated Components
Vulnerable and outdated components can allow attackers to exploit known security flaws in these components. Attackers can exploit these vulnerabilities by identifying and targeting specific outdated components or libraries within a JavaScript application. They may also use automated tools to scan for known vulnerabilities in popular libraries and components.
The impact of vulnerable and outdated components can be significant, as it can allow attackers to gain access to sensitive data, execute malicious code, or compromise the integrity of the entire system.
5. Not Using Standard Browser Security Controls
Sometimes developers fail to implement standard security controls provided by web browsers, such as iframe sandboxes, and security headers like Content Security Policy (CSP) and subresource integrity. This can leave the application vulnerable to several security threats.
By leveraging the lack of proper browser security controls, attackers can gain access to sensitive data or perform actions on behalf of the user without their consent.
6. Injections: Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and SQL Injection
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) occurs when an attacker is able to inject malicious code into a web page viewed by other users. The malicious code can then be executed by unsuspecting users, allowing the attacker to steal sensitive information or perform unauthorized actions on the user’s behalf.
SQL Injection, on the other hand, occurs when an attacker is able to manipulate a web application’s database by inserting SQL code into a user input field. This can allow the attacker to access, modify, or delete sensitive information from the database, and potentially take over the entire system.
Both XSS and SQL Injection attacks can have serious consequences for web applications and their users. For example, the 7-eleven breach, where attackers injected malicious code into the company’s databases, which allowed them to steal sensitive data of 130 million users.
7. Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) occurs when an attacker tricks a user into performing an action on a website without their knowledge or consent. The exploit works by sending a malicious request from the user’s browser that appears to come from a trusted website or application. The request contains the user’s session information, which the attacker obtained through various means such as phishing, social engineering, or sniffing the network traffic.
A significant instance of a CSRF vulnerability was discovered in the widely-used WordPress plugin “ThemeGrill Demo Importer,” which enabled attackers to extract sensitive information from visitors to the affected websites.
8. Clickjacking
Clickjacking is a type of attack that tricks a user into clicking on a button or link on a webpage that performs an unintended action. This is achieved by overlaying an invisible or disguised element on top of a legitimate element, such as a button or link, and positioning it in a way that the user unknowingly interacts with it.
9. Broken Authentication and Session Management
Broken authentication and session management refer to vulnerabilities in the way a web application manages user authentication and session information, allowing attackers to gain unauthorized access to user accounts or take over active sessions.
Attackers can exploit these vulnerabilities in several ways, such as stealing user credentials, session IDs, or exploiting weaknesses in session token generation algorithms. Once attackers gain access, they can perform actions on behalf of the victim user, such as accessing sensitive data, modifying account settings, or performing unauthorized transactions.
10. Insecure Communications
Insecure communications refer to the use of unprotected communication channels between a web application and its users or other external entities. This vulnerability can be exploited by attackers to intercept, eavesdrop, or modify sensitive information exchanged between the web application and its users, resulting in data theft or manipulation.
How to Avoid the Top Ten JavaScript Vulnerabilities?
In this section, we’ll explore the best practices for avoiding the top ten JavaScript vulnerabilities. By following these guidelines, you can help ensure the security of your web application and protect your users’ sensitive information.
1. Third-party Security Vulnerabilities
Using third-party code can introduce security vulnerabilities especially if the code is not well-maintained or not updated regularly. Here are some best practices to avoid third-party security vulnerabilities in JavaScript.
Regularly Update Third-party Libraries and Plugins
Developers should stay up-to-date with security patches and updates released by third-party providers and apply them as soon as possible.
Use Subresource Integrity (SRI)
Subresource Integrity (SRI) is a security feature that enables browsers to verify that resources loaded from a third-party server have not been tampered with. SRI ensures that the browser only loads resources from trusted sources, preventing attackers from injecting malicious code into your web application.
Minimize the use of Third-party Libraries and Plugins
To reduce the risk of third-party security vulnerabilities, it is best to minimize the use of third-party libraries and plugins. Developers should only use third-party code that is necessary for the functionality of their web application and avoid using code that is not actively maintained or has a history of security vulnerabilities.
2. Source Code Vulnerabilities
Use a Secure Development Lifecycle
A Secure Development Lifecycle (SDLC) is a set of practices that ensure the security of the application throughout the software development process. It involves integrating security into each phase of the development process, from planning to deployment. Here are some common practices of a secure SDLC:
- Conduct regular security assessments and penetration testing
- Implement secure coding practices
- Enforce secure configuration management
- Provide security training to developers
Use a Secure Coding standard
Following a secure coding standard can help developers avoid common coding mistakes and prevent potential vulnerabilities. The OWASP Secure Coding Practices guide provides a comprehensive list of coding practices that can help improve application security. You can also use cybersecurity frameworks as guidelines to harden your system/application.
3. Sensitive Data Leakage/Sensitive Cookie Exposure
Implement Secure Cookie Handling
Always use the HttpOnly and Secure flags for cookies to prevent attackers from stealing them using cross-site scripting attacks. The HttpOnly flag prevents client-side scripts from accessing the cookie, while the Secure flag ensures that the cookie is only transmitted over secure channels. Do not use sensitive cookies in URLs.
Sanitize Output
When sending data to the client-side, make sure you’re not sending sensitive information. Sensitive information can be a part of the data processed. However, it should be stripped and only the required information should be sent to the client-side. Using general error messages can avoid attackers from getting hold of information that they can further use for attacks.
4. Vulnerable and Outdated Components
Regularly Update Components
Keep your components up-to-date and patch any known vulnerabilities in them. Use tools like GuardRails to keep track of any known security vulnerabilities.
Replace Deprecated Components
Replace any deprecated components with newer ones as soon as possible. Deprecated components are often no longer supported and may contain known security vulnerabilities that attackers can exploit.
Avoid Unnecessary Components
Limit the number of components you use in your web application. Each additional component increases your attack surface and introduces more potential vulnerabilities.
5. Not Using Standard Browser Security Controls
Enable SameSite cookies
SameSite cookies restrict the scope of cookies to the same origin. This means that cookies will only be sent in requests to the same domain that set them. To enable SameSite cookies, set the SameSite attribute to either “Lax” or “Strict” when setting cookies.
Implement Content Security Policy (CSP)
CSP is a security standard that helps prevent attacks by limiting the sources from which scripts can be loaded. With CSP, you can specify which domains are allowed to load scripts and prevent inline scripts from executing.
Use HTTP-only Cookies
HTTP-only cookies prevent client-side scripts from accessing the cookie value. To set an HTTP-only cookie, set the httpOnly attribute to true when setting the cookie.
Disable Third-party Cookies
Third-party cookies can be used to track users across multiple sites, and can also be used in cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks. To disable third-party cookies, set the third-party cookie policy to “Block” in your browser settings.
6. Injections: Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and SQL Injection
To avoid XSS vulnerabilities, follow these tips:
- Input Validation: Always validate user input on the server-side and client-side. Use a white-list approach to allow only expected input.
- Sanitization: Use an HTML sanitizer to remove any malicious scripts from the input.
- Encoding: Encode user input when displaying it on the page using JavaScript’s escape or encodeURI function.
- Content Security Policy (CSP): Use CSP headers to control what content is allowed to be loaded on the page. This can help prevent XSS attacks.
7. Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
Use CSRF Tokens
CSRF tokens are randomly generated values that are added to the web page and sent with each form submission. When a form is submitted, the server checks if the token matches the one that was generated for the user’s session. If the tokens do not match, the request is rejected.
Validate Referrer Headers
Referrer headers can be used to check if a request is coming from an expected source. The server can check if the referrer matches the expected value and reject the request if it does not.
8. Clickjacking
Use the X-Frame-Options Header
This header allows website owners to control whether their website can be embedded within a frame on another website. By setting the header to “DENY” or “SAMEORIGIN,” you can prevent clickjacking attacks that attempt to embed your website within a malicious frame.
Implement User Education
Educate your users on the risks of clickjacking attacks and how to identify and avoid them. This can include providing clear and visible indicators of which elements are clickable, or warning users when they are leaving your website to click on a link.
9. Broken Authentication and Session Management
Use Secure Authentication Methods
Always use secure authentication methods such as bcrypt or PBKDF2 for password hashing, and implement multi-factor authentication for added security.
Use Secure Session Management Techniques
Implement secure session management techniques such as session expiration and token revocation to limit the impact of compromised sessions.
Avoid Session Fixation
Implement techniques to avoid session fixation attacks such as changing the session ID after successful authentication.
Use Strong Session Tokens
Use strong and unique session tokens to reduce the risk of brute force and session hijacking attacks.
10. Insecure Communications
Use HTTPS (HTTP Secure) protocol to encrypt the communication between the client and the server. You can enable HTTPS by installing an SSL/TLS certificate on your web server.
Use Strong Cipher Suites
Configure your web server to use strong cipher suites that are resistant to attacks.
Implement HSTS
HSTS instructs web browsers to only use HTTPS connections, which prevents attackers from downgrading the connection to HTTP.
Disable Insecure Protocols
Disable insecure protocols such as SSLv2, SSLv3, and TLSv1.0 as these protocols are vulnerable to attacks, and should not be used.
Validate Certificates
Validate SSL/TLS certificates to ensure that the communication is secure. You can use a certificate authority (CA) to issue and validate certificates.
Encrypt Sensitive Data
Encrypt sensitive data such as passwords, credit card numbers, and personal information before transmitting them over the network.
JavaScript is a powerful programming language. However, it also comes with its fair share of security vulnerabilities that can be exploited by attackers. In this blog, we have covered the top ten JavaScript vulnerabilities and provided actionable tips and best practices to avoid them.
By following these best practices, web developers can minimize the risk of their applications being compromised and ensure that sensitive user data remains protected. It is important to remember that security is an ongoing process, and developers must remain vigilant and up-to-date on the latest security best practices to stay ahead of potential threats to maintain the trust and confidence of stakeholders.